quinta-feira, junho 08, 2006

Pisces from my garden

I was looking for something, but that unexpected something didn´t come. I got tired and frustrated and had nowhere else to go. So i came to you, expecting you to hear me, to hold me, to say the right words i needed to hear, but you didn´t. And so i went to see a doctor. I thougth maybe he could help me. He did in some way. He showed me that we can always share our point of views, our little things with anyone who is able to listen to. But still... I have not found what i cannot look for.


Blogger Unknown said...

"But still... I have not found what i cannot look for"

é tramada a vida...
mas se assim nao fosse... e se ja tivesses encontrado o que querias,,, o que te restava.,.

é bom saber que nao encontramos aquilo que nao podemos encontrar e mesmo assim nao nos demovemos de,,,


2:21 PM  
Blogger MPR said...

eu conheço esta foto de algum lado...

3:00 PM  

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